Anna Sui Spring 2011 - Full Frontal Fashion

Danny Roberts oil Painting of a girl sitting by the Sea Wearing Anna Sui Spring 2011 Collection with a beaded necklace and a feather gown from New York Fashion Week.

Well friends, how was your weekend?
Mine was great. I've been loving the weather in Southern California lately! It's been amazing.
Sooooooo the painting today is my first of 5 painting I did for Sundance Channel's Full Frontal Fashion.
Each Season I get to pick my top 5 favorite Collections from New York Fashion Week to paint for them.
The Painting today is From Anna Sui Spring 2011 Collection.
This is the painting that i was tweeting about non stop a few weeks ago and saying how it was taking way too long!
Haha it took what seemed like forever, but I really really like how it turned out.
It has the exact vibe i was shooting for.
Well, I really hope you like it,
and I hope your having a great night. :)

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