Caroline Brasch Nielsen in Rag and Bone

Photographer Danny Roberts picture of Elite models girl Caroline Brasch Nielsen walking in rag and bone spring 2011 Runway show New york fashion week

Morning, morning my friends! How are you doing today?
I'm pretty excited because my friend Carolina Engman(Fashionsquad) is flying into California today!
So hopefully my brother & i will get to see her in the next few days. :)
The Picture today is from the Rag & Bone Spring 2011 Show,
and stars Elite models' girl Caroline Brasch Nielsen.
I think my favorite part of this picture is Caroline's expression.
I also like the greenish tone in the picture.
I still haven't been able to place what it reminds me of but it reminds me of something...
Hm... Well i hope you're doing great today!
Hope you like the picture :)

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