A Belated Happy Thanksgiving


- H&M bird print dress
- 60s camel cardigan
- Hue tights
- Swedish Hasbeen t-strap clogs
- vintage wool beret


Did everyone in the States have a nice Thanksgiving holiday? It was super dreary and grey here and I heard rumors of snow showers in the area. We mostly stayed in and didn't eat turkey. :) Tom's family has a tradition of gathering for pumpkin pie and freshly made whip cream after dinner so we braved the weather for that. I suppose pumpkin pie was about the only thing that would make me get out in that sort of cold rainy night.

As a thank you to all of my blog readers, I'm going to join the Black Friday bandwagon and offer 15% off everything in the Etsy shop for the rest of the weekend! When you checkout, use the code "SallySaysSo" to redeem your discount.



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