Lagelle Giveaway!

Lagelle Giveaway!
Lagelle Giveaway!
When the lovely Tye, of Lagelle, approached me about doing a giveaway I jumped at the chance. You see Tye and I go way back, I'm talking all the way back to the beginning of my fashion blog. Tye was even one of the first bloggers to ever interview me! Being a huge fan of her gorgeous handmade pieces, I was so flattered that she wanted to make a custom beret for me to style on my blog. I gave her an example of what I would wear it with and Tye pulled together the sumptuous yarns in a warm variegated orange and chocolate brown colorway. As you can see the results are quite gorgeous and even though it was created when I was still a brunette, I think the slouchy beret looks even better with my new red hair!
Lagelle Giveaway!
Lagelle Giveaway!
As an artist I get my inspiration from many places sometimes from unusual sources ie. perhaps colors from a cartoon image that my daughter maybe watching, definitely nature & especially this time of the year all the earthy tones are just amazing, and I love old classic movies to pull inspiration for styles & silhouettes. I never make anything that I wouldn't wear myself! I've been knitting for over 7yrs and stay on top of my knitting skills so I won't get rusty. ~Tye
Lagelle Giveaway!
1. Sign up to follow Lagelle's blog (if not already)
2. Post Lagelle's giveaway link on your blog, facebook, twitter & or any other social networks you belong to
3. After you post the link on one of your social networks email Lagelle at w/the link of your post
4. In your email provide your shipping/mailing address, specify which of the above hats you would like if you win & a pic of yourself

Giveaway ends Friday November 12th 11pm est. Remember you have to complete all steps for a chance to win! Also, if you have something specific in mind, Tye takes custom orders!!
Maria Sig 2


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