Hey Friends!
How are you doing?
Wow, this week has been insane!
I've been multi-tasking like crazy!
I've also been Figure Drawing for client work,
which kinda stinks cause i don't post those kind of images on here.
You know, keeping it G Rated! haaha ;)
But i'm also doing Fashion Week work for Sundance Channel,
so be expecting some Paintings of collections coming out next week :)
Well, after I posted the Chris Benz's images, i realized that i had never posted
this painting i had done for Lancome, for the Collaboration they did with Chris Benz last season.
The two of them teamed up and created a lipstick color called "Chris & Tell by Chris Benz".
How Genius is that Name? haha
Such a clever play on words.
But i'm sorry to say to you ladies out there,
that the lipstick is sold out! Sorry about that.
It is a really cool/interesting color.
The Collection was really fun to paint.
What i'm really excited about is painting this season's!
But i think you already know that if you read the post below! haha ;)
I hope you like the picture!
OOOOOh last nugget of news...
I'm seeing one of my all time favorite bands today!
The Band is called Midlake!
They are from Texas,
and words can't describe how good they are.
If you haven't heard their music check them out!
Well, hope you all are having a wonderful day.

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