Ok, so, i know this is the 3rd Taylor Swift drawing i've posted on here,
but this one comes with a story.
When my mom saw the drawings i had already posted of her,
she said to me,
"Oh Danny, you know what? I have the perfect picture of Taylor Swift for you to draw."
i turned to her with a puzzled yet amused look on my face and said, " Oh yea?"
Taking my prompting she responded,
" Yes! When I was at Starbucks today, I saw her new album cover and it's perfect for you to draw. I mean, in the picture she's got 'Your Hair'. You know what I mean, like the hair you draw. You should draw it."
haha. Yes, so this was Saturday that she said this to me.
So i always "Honor my Father and my Mother"
and thus this post was born. :)
On another note,
I was contacted by Schnati from the great German blog Les Mads.
and she said they wanted to do a interview with me.
So it's up today on their site.
Click Here for the Les Mads Interview
Lastly, you may have noticed that there is a play button under the drawing up there.
Well, it's been a really long time since i've taken the time to sit down and write music,
but i really needed to, so i finally did this weekend,
and i composed a song for you all.
i've been wanting to write a soundtrack for my life and the moods i'm in.
This song represents the mood i was in this weekend.
I plan on making a short film edited to the music.
I hope you like it!
If you like the song and want to have my song, just right click the link below and then click "download linked file"
Download Song here
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