Pretty Please

Danny Roberts Painting of tanya dziahileva Holding her Hand Like she is praying from Volume 3 of the Character Sketchbook

Hello, hello Friends,
How's the first day of December going for you?
Anything interesting going on >>>?
Anyone see New Moon?
I've never seen it, but it's kinda funny hearing everyone's take on it.
It seems like everyone is saying, "I loved it, but the acting is terrible."
hahaha Is that how it is?
Well, i have a meeting tomorrow with a company my friend Jason Jones (who is an amazing artist; check him out here) works for.
I'm meeting with the company he works for to discuss a project i'm pretty excited about...
can't give away too much yet... but all i can say is, i'm pretty excited!

The painting today is 215 out of Volume 3 of my Character Sketchbook.
It's going to be so fun to publish this book some day...
I'm also having fun drawing Tanya Dziahileva,
she has such fun features.
Well, i hope you all are having a wonderful day!

P.S. I can't believe Fashion Week is only a few months away...
the world is moving too fast!

oh P.S.S. I posted a picture in my Image Diary of me and my friend Miss Hanna Beth at her Pop-up, click here to see it :)

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