(shorts-vintage, corset-F21, blazer- Silence and Noise, stockings-H&M, shoes- Banana Republic, watches-vintage, bracelet-F21, ring-Cossroads, rosary-Shotwell)
I have always had a hard time dressing myself for the rain and the last few days it has been raining and storming like crazy in the Bay. How the hell are you supposed to look cute and stay warm while getting dumped on? Impossible....well for me at least.
This outfit is my f*ck you to the rain. It's what I would be wearing if it wasn't raining.
These leather shorts are a must for every wardrobe. They possess the uncanny ability to transform an outfit from boring to edgy in .5 of a second (that last part I totally made up, but really go get some). I have been wearing mine none stop and plan to continue wearing them until they completely fall apart.
Styling Tips for Leather Shorts
*Swap your skirt for a pair of leather shorts
*Pair them with oversized sweaters
* Wear fishnets underneath for a sexy nighttime look
*Play around with texture by mixing leather and lace
*Leather and leopard were made for each other
*Add a blazer for a more polished look
*Wear with red lips and messy hair to get that rock and roll cool
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