Apartment Porn

(via FashionGoneRogue)
This weekend I moved into my new studio. It's pretty spacious and has a beautiful little garden area in the back, which is almost unheard of in downtown SF. The place is almost perfect with the exception of our paper thin floors, ceilings and walls. I guess you cant have your cake and eat it too. I think I'll take paper thin walls over crackheads, tourists, garbage trucks and bars.

While moving I came to the realization that I am a hoarder when it comes to clothing. The amount of stuff I dug up in the back of my closet is almost embarrassing, I am pretty sure I could clothe a small country with all the stuff I haven't worn yet kept for one reason or another. This week I will be making trips to Crossroads and Wasteland to get rid of my craziness!

Anyways, there is no outfit post today b/c I haven't really had time for it, but I'll be posting an outfit from last week sometime later today.
Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!

*Fashion Week is only days away and I still need to buy so many things and have to write my speech for the conference! Ahh, getting a bit nervous.*


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