Paris est ma ville d'adoption, mon rêve d'enfant, mais c'est perdue dans ce champs que je me sens à la maison.
Seule certitude dans cette tenue ingénue, le week-end fût bon...
Paris is like my adoptive city, my child dream but I feel at home here in this field. Maybe I'm naïve, but it is so true and it was such a great weekend.
Seule certitude dans cette tenue ingénue, le week-end fût bon...
Paris is like my adoptive city, my child dream but I feel at home here in this field. Maybe I'm naïve, but it is so true and it was such a great weekend.
Robe Asos, sandales Topshop vues ici, ceinture vintage, fleur h&m
Asos dress, Topshop sandals also here, vintage belt, h&m flower
Photos, Brindas
Asos dress, Topshop sandals also here, vintage belt, h&m flower
Photos, Brindas
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