It's not too late to feel a little more alive...


photos by Tom b.

- vintage yellow sundress from 1385
- UO canvas wedges
- vintage Coach purse
- listening to: Broken Bells - "Vaporize"


I plan on trying to squeeze every bit of fun I can out of this weekend because first thing Monday morning I have to report for jury duty! Ugh! I suppose it's my civic duty and all, but I really hope I'm not picked. There's just too much else I need to be doing these days!

The fun shouldn't be too hard to come by because on Sunday we're heading down to DC to catch The National play the DAR Hall. I'm too excited! We're going to spend the day walking around Georgetown and taking in some touristy sites. I'm expecting my new digital camera in the mail today so we're sure to take tons of photos. I suppose if it doesn't show up I could always go old school and actually shoot film. That's a novel idea!



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