The Quicksilver It Girl

Not too long ago, I received an email from Catlin Rawling asking to be part of the Quiksilver "It Girl" Shoot. You can only imagine how stoked I was! I hate to sound extremely cliché and valleygirl-ish, but I am a total California girl at heart; I grew up right next to the beach. That said, Roxy was like the it brand for me all through elementary and middle school.

As my style developed, I ditched my Roxy / surfer clothing for something a little more defined. When I was told that Quiksilver had a women's line, not only did I get a rush of nostalgia, to my surprise, I really, really liked their new stuff. I'm elated that Quiksilver evolved with their clienteles, and I love the California casual tomboyish feel. Each piece acts as a basic and can easily be a foundation point for any outfit.

I'm wearing a Quiksilver dress that I threw it over my lace leotard. I wouldn't wear this without the white slip in public, but it's definitely the perfect throw on a bathing suit - shown here as an example. I tied the look up with my favorite vintage RJ Graziano belt.

What made this an amazing experience was being able to spend an afternoon with my favorite bloggers! It was an honor to be part of this all-star group. We all got to pick from racks and racks of clothes to style our own outfits.

Check out QSW's blog for ALL the girls that participated


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