The New and Improved Back Yard

Since some of you asked, I thought I'd give you a little peek at the big project that's been occupying my time the past week. If you're not at all interested in home projects, feel free to skip this post altogether! I know I write a bit about our home projects here and we're still in the midst of a few, but I've neglected to share photos from inside our home because... well, it's sort of our sanctuary and I'm not quite ready to share it with the big ol' internet just yet. Maybe someday.

When we moved into this house nearly a year ago the backyard was just a big tangle of weeds, a few bricks and rocks scattered about and lots of dog poop. Thanks a lot sellers! We haven't really spent much time out there because it wasn't a very nice space in which to sit and relax. Now all that's changed! The addition of a brick patio, a garden box where I'll be growing my own veggies (next year) and flower beds have us itching to get out there everyday. I'd say I feel like the project is just halfway done at this point because we still have all the planting to do. But that's the fun part! Snowdrops, astilbes, loriope, vinca, clematis! I can't wait until it's all filled in with vines growing up the fence and yummy herbs in the garden.

We've already hung the swing that my Mom built for us as well as the birdhouse she made for us last year. We also have a set of patio furniture on the way so I expect to be having lots of dinners al fresco in the near future. I also want a birdbath and some feeders for the little yellow finches that are always hanging out in the neighbor's sunflowers (you can see one just poking its head above the fence). Come live in my yard cute little birdies!

Here are the before and what I'd call "during" shots. It's not quite a before and after since we're not really done yet.

patio before & after


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