You, soft and only, you lost and lonely...


photos by Tom b.

- 90s polka dot dress
- Bestie Cardigan courtesy of Modcloth
- vintage Aigner oxfords
- 40s Bond Street bag
- vintage hat
- listening to: The Cure - Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me "Just Like Heaven"


Today was one of those days when it couldn't decide if it wanted to be hot or chilly, sunny or rainy. That was fine with me since it gave me a chance to try out my new cardigan. I have to admit it's pretty much the softest sweater a gal could ask for and it was just the right weight for the day. I'm quite sure this little 90s dress will end up in the shop this week (probably in Thursday's update). I like it, but I always feel a bit strange wearing 90s pieces and it's too cute to sit in the back of my closet.

In other news, we got our patio furniture today and had our first outdoor lunch... Chef Boyaredee pizza and homemade pickles! Obviously nothing fancy, it was nice to sit outside and enjoy our lunch.



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