big update

  • A big updates calls for bullet points; I think if I tried to get my thoughts out in paragraph form, you would be reading a slush of word vomit.
  • Steppie from Etsy sent me this amazing care package that almost made me faint from cuteness. I am so asian like that.
  • I'm usually not for shirts with screen prints, but I think this ninja tank completes the outfit over a plain gray one. I really am a ninja though, so I think this fits me perfectly.
  • Florescent orange nailpolish seriously makes my day every time I look down at my hands.
  • Here are my new shoes! I'M IN LOVE!
  • I am leaving for San Francisco in 8 hours with some friends We'll be there at 10AM Friday morning until Sunday. Comment or tweet me some MUST go-to places.
  • Lastly, Steppie is conveniently offering 15% off if you enter "THATSCHIC15" in the 'message to seller' box at checkout, and the discount will be refunded after payment. First week of order = extra goodies.
  • Wearing 501 jeans, vintage vest, ninja tank, Giuseppe Zanotti wedges (he seriously makes the BEST wedge, yeah?)
  • No idea what to wear in San Fran. I'm terribly fragile in the bitter cold.


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