
Vintage shirt. Dress from ShopRuche. Jeffrey Campbell boots. Forever 21 chained headband.

Pictures taken in the peak of your hair being too long and you just want it pulled back but need to accessorize your head so it still looks cute. Relieved to say that I cut off 3 inches soon after and no one seems to notice – taking it as a compliment that short hair is just more ‘me’. Also had a refreshing weekend hanging out with my best friend doing things like buying clothes for the sake of travel, eating expensively to fill our insatiable appetite, testing our luck buying a drink without an ID, and sneaking in a firework show.

What I’m wearing is unintentionally derived of elephants and linen. I wasn’t even sure what my shirt had printed on it to begin with until Ted pointed out in the most monotonous of excited tones: I like the surfing elephants on your shirt. The gold elephant ring I’m wearing is reminiscent of Christopher Ross’ work with the gold and fine details – bought at the IVC flea market for $4! For you Orange County kids who ask me where good places to thrift are, head over to Irvine Valley College every first Sunday of the month. It’s no Rose Bowl, but admission is free and the prices are hard to beat! Insanely in love with this dress [that I’m wearing as a skirt] and am so sad to see it sold out on Shop Ruche. Hopefully Mai restocks it and you too can own this perfectly crème, linen ruffled dress.

Better shot of the ring


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