The Supermelon Vlog PART 1

Yes Yes. You guys have poked at me for ages, and I know what you're thinking: Holy crap, two consecutive posts?! Part one of a vlog? Sweet!

Paul from The Supermelon emailed me last night telling me that the feature will be up first thing tomorrow! So, early morning while listening to my accounting teacher drone about Cost Value Product, I get this flash of "oh my gosh, my video should be up today!" Low and behold it was.

After watching it, I was thrilled to see everything I wanted to say was perfectly condensed into some great four minutes. But being that this is a small feature on Supermelon, they wanted to keep the video short, sweet, and to-the-point - hence part two (more of Ted; I know how much you guys love him)

There has got to be at least an hour's worth of Ted and I rambling and fooling around, and I'll edit another vlog that will follow the 8 minute norm.

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