With a birthday comes a wishlist. As much as I want to throw a pair of Louboutins and a Mui Mui handbag into my wishlist, I'm going to be practical. The question "what do you want for Christmas" gets so overrated since everyone's answer is always "I don't know". Fortunately, I DO! Take a few of the choices, make it your own, or take it as gift ideas for someone else.
Keep in mind each item can be directly clicked from the picture

Cosmetics and such are always a little harder to pick out for people, though, if you're asking for it, it makes it so much easier for the giver to buy exactly what you want.

I don't know about, but I feel as though one can never go wrong buying makeup brushes. Let's face it, we forget about the fact that we want new makeup brushes after admitting to using the same brush for a year. Also, it doubles as a cute makeup bag and I really need one since mine ripped. Now that I have makeup brushes, I need eyeshadow. I usually don't wear eyeshadow unless I'm going out, and if I do decide to wear eyeshadow I only go with neutrals -- black is too overrated and colors can look tacky.

What girl doesn't want a fathom of girly DVDs full of fashionable eye candy? For me, DVDs double as room decoration.

I haven't seen Factory Girl or Funny Face, but I want to add them to the collection. Marie Antoinette was an okay movie, but I was thoroughly entertained with the extravagant dresses and room decor. I totally recommend Cashback. Brilliantly done and gives you a new perception to still art. There's a short film and a long version, I've only seen the short one which is fabulous. Great soundtrack as well.

Buying home decor is a little difficult as well, but if you know a person's preferences and home style, maybe you can find a good gift. Here are a few that I feel no one can turn down.

This blanket I picked out - wow. I found this at Target during Black Friday for $19.99 and I wish I bought more. One for my brother, my car, my parents. It's so soft and warm! Who can resist?! And I don't know about you, but I'm a sucker for pretty candles. As for the jewelry holder, I throw my necklaces and bracelets around everywhere and they tangle. Loves it.

Aside from using books as room decor, I love going through huge, hardback books fill with inspiration. I guess a nice read will keep me going on a vanilla Sunday. But with all the reading I do for school, I could use the break.

Fire away for wanting a book that belongs to raisin face, but you have to admit, you LOVE the way Nicole and Lindsey dressed pre-Zoe. Now their post rehab and pregnancy outfits aren't exactly up to par, think Nicole will make a comeback? Then there's Victoria Beckham, and I honestly think you either love or hate her. After watching their coming to America special, her ditzy humor took it home for me -- I love her! Maybe her style is quite lavish, I believe her tips come from her wholeheartedly.

The rest of the wants are thrown into a pile of miscellaneous. Namely accessories. Though they're not listed, bangles and statement rings are welcome with open warms!

First off, I love this purse! I guess it helps that it's one of the first very affordable purses I've seen worn by a celebrity, Lindsey Lohan. Gotta love the classic frame as well! I'm quite an organized freak! I love the idea of planners and journals, unfortunately, I get over it within a week. My love for planners is like a roller coaster, I love it then I'm over it then I love it again. And seriously, those sunglasses are sex. Enough said.
Sorry to cut short, but I have to study for finals! I had to get this post up before it ate away at my consciousness. Now, I can study in peace. Hopefully, you guys grabbed a few ideas from this. Birthday presents are still welcome!
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