Italian Riviera Bag - Modcloth
Safari Bangles - Threadsence
Oversized Shawl Sweater - Nastygal
Wool Felt Hat - Need Supply
Round Sunglasses - Need Supply
Alexander Wang Constance Platfrom Bootie - Shopbop
Some cozy basics are all I need to get me through the next few days until the holidays. I can't wait until I have my few days off to lounge around the house and do all those things I haven't had time to do. I'm going to catch up on my books, organize my bursting closet and finally go ice skating with Sam. A mini road trip down the coast might also be in order.
P.S. Someone asked me where I work. I work here.
Safari Bangles - Threadsence
Oversized Shawl Sweater - Nastygal
Wool Felt Hat - Need Supply
Round Sunglasses - Need Supply
Alexander Wang Constance Platfrom Bootie - Shopbop
P.S. Someone asked me where I work. I work here.
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