Oh, I have so many things to tell you about. First, Spotted Moth was so incredibly kind to send me some of their gorgeous new fall pieces and I waited about five minutes before tearing open the packages and slipping on my new boots! Ever since I bought Cole a pair of desert boots, I've been dying for my own and I must say they were worth the wait. Second, I walked into my local Target store today and nearly ran right into the Mulberry for Target display. Now I know I've been living under a rock lately, but how did I not know about this!!! Most of the items were sold out, but I managed to snag this adorable little bag. And last but not least, Cole is still sick as a dog. After yesterday's long tiring day, he was totally wiped out and spent most of today resting in bed with me bringing him endless cups of tea, toast and tissues. He has his last final on Friday evening (what kind of cruel professor schedules a final on a Friday night at the end of the quarter!) and then will be done for a week. But of course, during his break he has three more interviews lined up. Busy, busy man! Oh, and I almost forgot...my big sis arrives tomorrow!

Photos by Cole. Thanks, darling!
70's men's cardigan: Cats and Crickets, EtsySaint James top: thrifted
Jeans: Urban Outfitters
Round and Round necklace & Through the Woods boots: c/o Spotted Moth
Bag: Mulberry for Target

I just wanted to thank everyone for their sweet and supportive comments on yesterday's post. Thanks to your well wishes, I'm doing a bit better today!

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