I was honored to be asked to participate in the Prestel book Style Diaries: World Fashion from Berlin to Tokyo. I didn't want to bend the spine of the book far enough to be able to scan the pages so these are actually the proofs of the pages that were included in the book. I know you've seen all these photos before but I thought you might like to see a peek of how the book is laid out.
I'm so excited to be included amongst several of my favorite bloggers (Anja! Aya! Carrie!), gals I consider friends even though we've never met. But what amazes me most about the book is all of the bloggers included that I wasn't familiar with... what a vast blogging world we're all participating in! I'm looking forward to delving deeper into the book and discovering more great blogs to follow.
*Update: Some of you asked where to find it... I found it for sale on Amazon.

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