I made a tough decision today. After a few months of deliberating with my conscience I've decided that I will no longer be growing my hair out for donation. While it pains me to do this, I've wanted to change my hair for some time now and that just isn't possible while trying to donate it. I still have about seven months of hair growth left and I really can't wait that long. With things still being so shite with my thyroid, I feel so stuck and unhappy and while I know it won't change my life I feel like a new look will help bring me out of my funk. I hope you understand and can forgive me for not going through with it, but I just really need to do this for myself.
Now onto fun decisions- what color should I dye my hair? It’s been eight years since I’ve done something different and I want to go drastic. So you tell me, should I go Bardot blonde or Rita red?

FYI- Bardot started off as a
brunette, I used to be
blonde and redheads run in my family! Plus if it doesn't look good I can always dye it back.
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