Hi friends! How are you?
Well, i'm off to bed but i have to go into work tomorrow so i decided i would post tomorrow's post now,
cause i'm a Zombie man in the morning and would probably forget to post.
Oh! ok so I stumbled on to this blog named amlul.com today
i started looking through it,
and there was this one picture of blogger Gala Gonzalez caught my eye.
She was wearing this amazing black dress,
and i couldn't help but draw it.
So here it is. i hope you like it.
Check out her blog if you haven't yet.
i hope you guys are doing great.
Thanks for being awesome. ;)
Also if you want to check out more of from the Blogger Portrait Series Click Here
or if you just want to know what the heck the Blogger Portrait Series is Click Here
Oh! Also, i got an email from Mattias from BLOGLOVIN
which is my all time favorite Blog Directory.
He asked me to design an icon for Bloglovin,
and it's up today!!
If you have a blog lovin account, just log in and you can get the code to it.
My icon is to the left of this post. :)
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