Here are a few things that have made their way into my closet from the thrift store over the last month or so. The first two dresses were found hiding in the children's section of a thrift store. It seems the people that worked there didn't recognize the difference between a 60s mini dress and a child's dress. Great, since everyone else that picks vintage there missed them! The first one reminds me a lot of the white Lover dresses. The second one is wool and quickly becoming a favorite with all the cold weather we're having.
The 20s wool knit sailor dress didn't come from a thrift store (that would be the greatest thrifting luck ever). I found it at a local vintage shop and couldn't resist the striped sailor collar. It's a bit on the itchy side, but definitely falls into the "will suffer for fashion" category!

Speaking of knits, I've been on the lookout lately for hand knit (or crocheted) things. I love the fact that they're all so unique and the little imperfections just make them even more endearing. That cheerful red cardigan will most likely make it into my Christmas day outfit. The cableknit wool skirt reminds me of one I saw on the Topshop site. I really love it, but I haven't figure out how to wear it yet.
I'm trying to keep the boot collection under control but I couldn't resist adding these two pair. I think I've sold a pair or two exactly like the ankle boots in the past, so I'm keeping these for myself. The super tall vintage riding boots came from a thrift store that sells mostly furniture so I was surprised to find these. Actually I only found one on the shoe shelf then had to search the entire store for its mate. I even had one of the gals that works there helping me look! I was determined not to leave without them. They need a little doctoring around the back zipper but after that they be perfect!
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