This week I'll be taking a little break from the blog. I need a little space to breath and relax and think about a few upcoming projects. So for this spring break I think I'll take a look back at the photos Tom and I took in a soon-to-be-demolished abandoned house. The photos were just a little practice for me at styling a shoot before I worked on styling a real shoot. I'm happy with the end product and I never did get around to having a real lookbook made out of them so I figured I would share them with you this week rather than just letting the blog sit stagnant for the week. Here's the first set and I'm wearing a pair of chiffon H&M shorts and vintage sweater and oxfords. It was so, so cold that day I honestly can't look at these photos without getting a bit of a shiver. I'll post a new set everyday and I hope you enjoy them!

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