What does your closet/wardrobe look like? I'm not only curious, but in dire need of inspiration on organizing a lot of stuff (clothes, shoes, accessories, etc). Thanks!
I'm sorry to say that I'm the worst person ever when it comes to organizing anything, especially clothes. My closet is a complete disaster, with stuff shoved and thrown all over the place. I'm always wishing a little fairy will show up one day and completely organize it.
What is it like to be married to someone, live with them and see them all the time. I'm really curious what it's like to live together!
It can be the most wonderful thing in the world and the hardest. It's amazing because I constantly have my best friend around to talk to, laugh with and love. Cole is the person I want to see first thing in the morning and last thing at night. But that doesn't mean that it's not constant work everyday. It's not easy sharing a space with another person, because you always share in their bad moods and bad habits, too. We both have to remind each other on a daily basis to be more loving and more understanding. It's a daily challenge to be a better person, not only for yourself, but for the person you love.
Do you have an 8tracks account? I love your music posts!
Oh, gosh I've never heard of that, but it looks pretty cool. If I start one, I'll definitely post about it!! Thanks for letting me know about this.
A friend says "I'm busy these days, let's meet some other time!" whenever I phone her. But she always has time for other friends of hers. What would be the best thing for me to do?
You could confront her and ask her why she's avoiding you or you could move on and realize that anyone that doesn't want to be around you isn't worth your time and effort. But I would start with talking to her and explaining how her actions make you feel. You never know, she might have a good reason for her behavior.
I love reading your relationship advice, Maria. It is so practical and realistic. I have a hard time relating to girls who just say everything is magic or that they never fight with their significant others...So thank you!
You're welcome! I'm glad you find my advice helpful. I try to paint a realistic picture, because nothing in life is easy. Especially love.
Does Cole actually read your blog?
Yeah, he does almost everyday. He's always been incredibly supportive with not only taking the photos, but giving me positive feedback, too.
I'm in awe of the bravery it must have taken to cut your own bangs! I'd love to have a demonstration on how you maintain them.
Thanks so much! Once I get a video camera, I will definitely do a blog trimming tutorial! It was a bit scary, but also really fun taking the risk. Plus, I haven't regretted it for a second.
Outside of blogging, what do you think you'd like to be doing five years from now?
I would love to design clothes. Just a small collection of all the things I love, but can never find them how I want them.
Do you collect anything? (Tell me the whole story ;D)
I'm not a big collector, but I always feel like I should be collecting something. I do love to find really inexpensive pairs of vintage Ferragamo bow flats. So far I have three, but it's been awhile since I've bought another pair. Need to start searching eBay and Etsy again.
Help! How did you design such a cute blog layout?? I've been trying to start a blog up and I'm hopeless.
Thank you! My blog has undergone many changes, some much better than others. I used Ourblogtemplates.com to find my current layout and then tweaked it to death to make it just how I wanted it. It's a lot of trial and error and I'm always modifying things, but to start with you can find a template you like and go from there. I hope that helps.
Hi, Maria! I found your blog not too long ago and I love it! Now to the question.. What do you do for a living?
Thank you so much! I actually blog full time and run my two Etsy shops. I don't make very much, but I'm very lucky to have a husband that supports me. During and after college, I worked many random jobs, mostly in retail.
Do you have the free version of Picnik, or the paid version?
I have the paid version.
Who's your favourite author and why?
Hmm, that's tough but I would have to say Jane Austen. Her books take me to another period in history, but yet feel so modern.
I'm looking into buying a new camera and I love the way your pictures look! I know you've mentioned the camera that you use but I can't seem to find it.. so if you don't mind me asking here, what kind of camera do you shoot with??
Thank you! I use a Nikon D60 and love it. The only hitch is that it doesn't have a camcorder built in like the newer models do. So I really recommend the Nikon D3000, which is the newer version of the D60.
Have you and Cole ever been apart for a long period of time? If so, do you have any advice relating to that?
Luckily, we haven't. We even went on our college Study Abroad together. I think the longest we've ever been apart is 11 days and it was really hard on the both of us.
So, I haven't really experienced a long separation, but I guess my advice would be to use technology and the internet to your advantage and talk all the time even about trivial things. And if you need to have a long distance fight, do it, but try to end on positive note, so no bad feelings are hanging around.
What are some of your favorite beauty and skincare products?
I'm a pretty simple girl when it comes to makeup and skin care. I buy almost everything from the drugstore. I really like L'Oreal foundation and mascara, Revlon Matte lipstick, and Maybelline gel eyeliner. I use Aveeno and St.Ives face cleansers and Aveeno face lotion.
If you were to compare yourself and Cole to a couple on TV or the movies who would that be? :)
Someone recently wrote me an email saying Cole and I were just like Lilly and Marshall from How I Met Your Mother and I would have to say they're right. We're very similar to them in the way we met and how long we've been together. Plus, we're pretty inseparable just like them. I say we differ in that Cole isn't as big of a goof like Marshall, but he is as sweet. My personality is a lot like Lilly's. I'm crazy about Cole and I would punch someone in the face for flirting with him. ;)
I really adore your glasses in your vimeo video, "My Valentine" (really cute video). Thanks so much. Those glasses are by Oliver Peoples and they are the Deacon style. You can buy them online from their site or find a glasses store near you that sells them! OP glasses are a bit expensive but really high quality. I also own their Zooey sunglasses.
Let's talk about your fabulous bangs. When did you get them, and why? Would you recommend them? I'm debating them, but am gun shy!
I cut my bangs in March 2009 and haven't looked back. I actually cut them myself and maintain them myself. I would definitely recommend them, but make sure you cut them in a triangular shape not square. When it comes to hair, I say if you want it, go for it. It can always grow back.
I saw your "preppy day" pics and your long hair is amazing. Just felt like saying that ;)
Aww, thanks! I'm growing it back out again to donate it to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. I'm hoping I can grow it long enough that when I make the donation, my hair can still be somewhat long.
Where do you buy your clothes from? They're are lovely. (:
Thank you so much! I buy most of my clothes from the Salvation Army, but also ModCloth, Urban Outfitters, eBay and Etsy!
Maria! If you could be an animal, which one would you like to be?
Hi Libs! I would be a hawk. So I could fly around and not worry about something trying to eat me!!
What colour of sock should one wear with green shoes that shows toes and heels?
Hmm, it depends on the shade of green. I think it would be safest to wear white, pink, or navy blue socks. I hope that helps!
Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?
Hands down a vampire so I could live forever.
Hi Maria! I simply adore your blog! I love your bike, Millie, too! What brand is she? xoxo - Iza
Hi Iza! Thank you so much, I'm so glad you like my blog! Millie was a vintage Free Spirit bike from Sears. She was originally a burgundy color but I repainted her hunter green with Krylon glossy paint!


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