The Profile of Miss Johannesson

Painting of swedish model Mona Johannesson

Hello, Hello, my friends!
How are you?
Well, today has been a long, but good day;
been drawing and painting all day.
Did this painting of one of my favorite models Mona Johannesson.
I've been eyeing this picture of her for a while now.
I love this photo shoot, it's wonderful,
so i ended up painting it today.
Kinda reminds me of Audrey Hepburn a little.
Well, i hope you like it! :)

Edit: Also if you look to the Left on the side bar i added "Sign up for Email Alerts" so that i can let you know right way about any new releases. Also, I think I'm going to do a monthly newsletter to keep you all up on everything. so just fill the form out if you want to receive them. :)

Oh, also, thank you so much to Katrina-Kasey Wheeler and the for the article and interview! if you want to read it click here

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