- 30s lace blouse
- Alexa Chung velvet shorts
- thrifted J. Crew cardigan
- vintage t-strap Ferragamos
- vintage wool beret
- vintage Coach purse
- listening to: Smashing Pumpkins - Gish "Siva"

After taking it easy for a couple of days, I'm back to work listing things in the Etsy shop this morning. I've got lots and lots of lovely dresses to add this week! I've just finished one batch and I'm about to start another.
My break included taking a trip to Cherry Hill Orchard, a local apple farm. I'd never been before and really loved it! Unfortunately they'd already done the last "pick your own" day but there were buckets full of at least a dozen different kinds of apples to choose from. And samples galore! I was so stuffed with apples by the time we left. I ended up choosing Cameos and Golden Delicious to bring home with me. Yummmm. I want to go next year when we can try to pick our own.

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