photos by Tom b.
- 20s silk dress
- 60s ribbed cardigan (that I can't seem to keep all the buttons on)
- AA tights
- vintage Ferragamo t-straps
- vintage wool beret
- vintage Coach purse

The other day Tom and I enjoyed a leisurely afternoon stroll through our neighborhood and snapped few photos along the way. I really wanted to take some time to soak in as much of the fall color as possible before winter swoops in and turns everything grey. There were pretty mums and hydrangea blooming in front of a nearby church. The church has a bell tower that rings the time every fifteen minutes so when I'm at home, I always know what time it is!

I'm wearing a lovely 20s frock I bought on Etsy. I've been wanting to wear it because it reminds me of the pretty dresses worn on Boardwalk Empire (I told you I've been watching that show too much!). It's quite delicate though and I think couldn't handle much more than a leisurely stroll. When I sat down in it, I could hear the threads popping and the entire lining sort of disintegrated during the walk. I guess it's going to be relegated to display status. At least I got to wear it once!

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