Hi Friends, how are you???
Wow! I've been painting night & day lately.
I finished up a few painting today...
Ok so, since we are now in February...
I declare this "The Month of Love!!!"
So that is the theme for my posts over the next month!
You're going to have to cut me a little slack on the theme though,
I'm going to draw "Love" and things that make me think of "Love".
I saw this picture a little while back,
it just felt like it need to be painted.
My goal was to make the paining feel stuck in a moment after the kiss,
frozen there forever... haha I don't know, I hope it works... hah
Thank you all for being so amazing!
It's a blessing reading all your comments.
I'm going to try to go about and comment back to yawl.
I've just been so so so swamped with deadlines,
I hope you understand!
p.s. Who is going to the Chictopia 10 conference?! See you there :)

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