
The 501's

I got a hold of the owner of the vintage shop I got my jeans at in my previous post, and I got to interview him a little! Though, I wish I asked more questions now. I guess if you want, you can ask him yourself.



I am going to email you some questions. Will you answer them?

I noticed a wall dedicated to 501's, what makes that particular style different from other styles that Levi created?
The 501 is a classic. You can wear them tight, slouchy, or super baggy. They accommodate any style and fit every mood. It was the first and the best.

Do you like chicken and waffles?
Chicken and waffles is like Kevin Sorbo as Hercules. A perfect combination!

Do you have secret thrifty vintage spots in Orange County you want to share?
Sure, I'll give you a major one "Leisure World". It's a little difficult getting past the gate keeper but if you follow these four easy steps you'll be well on your way to vintage heaven.
  • Tell him that Ronald Reagan was the last great president.
  • Offer him a cold Ensure.
  • Talk about that time in 1968 when Larence Welk made an appearance on the Dean Martin show and how funny Don Rickles was as a guest.
  • If all else fails, give him a Viagra pill.

You smoke a lot. Every time I've visited, you were outside have a cig break.
Yes, American Spirits Orange pack! I need a smoke right now just thinking about it. The way I figure it is there are 20 Smokey treats in one pack, so that is 20 times a day I can have some Billy time. Also, Spirit's are organic, so this is my way of being "Green".

What are your inspirations?
Comic books, music, my family, and my friends.

My friend thinks you have nice eyes.
Wow!? That is really the first time I've heard that from a female. But yes, I do get that a lot. Unfortunately, it is only the dudes that tell me that. The type of guys that work for the city laying asphalt or have done some time in a State Penitentiary. They think I'm the cat's meow.

Any projects you're excited about? We can use the action..
I'm playing a show on the 26th with one of my favorite bands "Everest"! It's on a Thursday night and is going to be at the Detroit Bar in Costa Mesa! These guys give me a hard boner.

What would you like to see change in your store?
Um...... more customers?

Do you like office equipment?
Not really.

Will you give myself and readers a discount if we stop by more? Pretty please?
Yes, of course 15% off, but they also have to tell me how pretty my eyes are.

Lastly, are we invited to your party this Friday (2/20)?
You know it! Word on the street is that it is going to be more fun than watching a drunk David Michael Hasselhoff eat a hamburger!

My friend Caroline and I will probably go tomorrow! So, COME!

Photo Credit: Mary Bell


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