The Hautelook

I'm seriously not big on being an online advocate for clothing stores, labels, things, and whatnot, but when a reader referred me to Hautelook, I decided I can't keep it a secret any longer. For the most part, the labels they sell are mediocre, but every once in a while, you'll get a diamond in the rough. Right now they're selling Elizabeth and James (!), and I've seen them sell Mike and Chris, clothing from Decades Two (lots of Prada), and my personal favorite, Ilaria Nistri... all for 60% off!

I swear I'm not getting paid or being asked to post this, so if you're interested in an invitation to this private selection, just leave a comment with your email (format it so it reads: raychizzle at gmail com, so robots can't pick up on your email) OR use the form to send me an email and put in hautelook for the subject, and I will send you an invite. Oh, and there's a lot of men's clothing ;)


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