photos by Tom b.
- Milky Way dress courtesy of Family Affairs
- Jeffrey Campbell sandals
- vintage hat

So far in documenting our California adventures I've tried to keep things in chronological order but today I'm going to jump ahead just a bit to our days spent in Joshua Tree National Park. I think this was our third or fourth visit to the park and it's always just as spectacular as the first time I saw it. It's easy to feel like you're walking around some lunar landscape once you're out in the middle of all those barren hills and strange prickly creatures.
On this particular day we woke before dawn so we could make it into the park for sunrise. There's no place I've been that's quite like the early morning desert. There were so many rabbits hopping around! We also spotted lots of ground squirrels, desert quail, about a million other birds and two snakes (no rattlers).
I knew it was going to be a scorcher once the sun was high but the morning started out pretty chilly. I actually had to wear a sweater over my dress until it started to warm up. Speaking of my dress, it was fun stomping around in this Milky Way dress that Nina was sweet enough to send to me (it's on sale!). Of course I was completely overdressed and had to change into my hiking shoes later on but I just wanted a moment of luxury and this dress was just the thing. I was going to comment that it has yards and yards of fabric and then I read the description from the website and it literally says that exact same thing. I'm also wearing a sunhat that I picked up at American Rag on La Brea during my shopping day in LA.

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